Rock Mineral Wool - DRS FIRE BOARD 2D*



Boards for fire-screen doors with higher density on the upper side of the door core

Knauf Insulation DRS FIRE BOARD 2D* (DRS FB 2D*) is a patented rock mineral wool board with innovative density distribution that provides a higher density on the fire-critical upper side of the door core. Compared to the nominal density in the middle, the density is higher on the upper side of the board (up to + 30 kg/m3) and lower on the bottom side of the board (down to - 30 kg/m3).

*Knauf Insulation DRS Fire Board 2D is not for sale or use in Germany, other than to licensees of German patent DE 103054221 of Hörmann KG Freisen


  • Excellent fire protection
  • Higher density of insulation core on fire-sensitive upper part of doors
  • Lighter door insulation core for the same fire resistance performances
  • No additional treatment to improve fire-resistance of cores necessary
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Excellent thermal conductivity and acoustic insulation
  • Non-combustibility
  • AS Quality


Boards for fire-screen doors


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